Click the link to download : 2024-2025 calendar
Zion Spirit Wear: Our families are invited to purchase Zion gear to wear on our Zion Spirit Days.
Please see the Parent links found here:
Doors to Zion will be open for our K-8 students at 8:00am. Should I child arrive before that time they will be checked-into our Before Care room and be charged the half-hour rate. Any children needing to arrive earlier due to transportation or other valid reasons should make arrangements with the teacher or principal.
Regular and punctual attendance is necessary. Parents are expected to call the school on days when their child will be absent. Should the school not receive a call, we will attempt to call the home.
Upon returning to school after the absence, an excuse must be submitted by parent or guardian, stating the reason for the absence. This excuse may be given by the parent or legal guardian in writing, orally in person, or by telephone.
Parents are responsible for communicating prearranged absences with the teacher as far in advance as is possible. If at all possible, doctor or dentist appointments should be scheduled at times when school is not in session.
Parents/students are responsible for maintaining regular attendance and for being aware of the number of absences that are accumulated in a given grading period. Students who exceed the number of allowed absences risk the loss of academic credit.
The parent of any student who is absent more than 10 days in a nine-week grading period will be required to attend a conference with his/her child´s teacher and principal. Teachers reserve the right to request a doctor’s statement regarding extended or frequent absence due to illness.
Students are expected to be on time to all classes. Tardies are considered a major interruption of instructional time. A student is tardy if he/she is not in the classroom at class starting time. After five tardies per quarter (in the grades), a conference with the parent/guardian will be required.
Matters of dress, jewelry, and other accessories are a parental decision; however, dress and jewelry are to be non-disruptive to learning, are not to express symbols that are contrary to Christian teaching, and are to be modest. The Zion school faculty, with majority support of the school board committee, are to be the arbiters of what is disruptive, of what does not reflect our Christian values, and what is considered to be immodest. Please see the dress code guideline here: Dress Code
The teacher will develop classroom procedures and routines which will vary with the maturity of the pupils and the plans of the teachers.
It is understood that work not completed at school will be completed as homework. It is also to be understood that some students will require additional drill which will need to take place at home with parental encouragement. Homework as structured daily assignments will not be assigned. We feel that time for recreation, other activity, and home responsibility is also important.
Students are allowed to use the school telephone only after having received teacher permission. Teachers are available after 3:15 p.m. Teachers and students are to be called to the telephone during school hours only for very important business. Because teachers are occupied during regular class hours, parents are requested to refrain from seeking appointments during that time.
For medical and legal precautions, teachers will administer no medication to students. If medication is necessary, it must be administered by the school office and a form must be completed and be on file in the school office. Minor first aid on bruises, cuts, and scratches will be administered. Should a parent have any objections to first aid being administered to his/her child, the school should be informed.
It is extremely important for us to have up to date emergency numbers. School records should indicate any physical difficulty or illness a child may have to insure proper treatment in case of a medical emergency.
After the first month of school, parents are encouraged to visit the classrooms to observe the classes. We feel that contact with the teacher prior to visitation is a common courtesy.
All students shall show respect and consideration for the property rights of others. If, through carelessness or maliciousness, a child is responsible for damage to school property or that of another child, he/she will be held accountable.
Bicycles are to be parked in the bike parking area and are to remain parked and locked during school hours.
Use of skateboards and earphones during school hours will be prohibited.
Christian communication and procedure is determined on the basis of Matthew 18 and Galatians 5. Where the Gospel is allowed to operate in all of its beauty, there will be wonderful results. Words of forgiveness need to be spoken by staff, by students, by parents – in that we are not a perfect body but a communion of sinners. We forgive and close issues so as not to destroy the healing which the Gospel of forgiveness offers. The peace of the Gospel then becomes our blessing.
Complaints to any member of the School Committee or to the pastor by parents or others should be directed to the teacher first and then to the principal. Only after repeated refusal or inability on the part of the teacher and principal to deal with the matter should the School Committee be contacted.
Parent concerns should not be discussed publicly by the School Committee prior to having taken the necessary steps with the teacher and the principal. Concerns by parents and others would not be permitted to destroy the rapport between teachers, principal, and School Committee members. If, on the other hand, the principal is not able to successfully handle a part of the job assignment, it may become necessary for the School Committee (not the individual members) to take action.
To supplement the report cards, conferences are held with parents and teachers concerning a child´s work. These conferences will be held at the end of the first and third quarters in K – 8.
We will follow the policy of the 509J School District. Should the district be closed, we will be closed. Listen to KFLY OR KLOO for radio announcements. You may also check Zion´s web page.
Zion Lutheran Early Learning Center offers before and after school care for children in preschool up to 12 years old. Care for children in preschool and kindergarten is located in the early learning center off of the gym. After school care for children in first grade and above is also located in the gym. Before school, all children meet in the early learning center off of the gym. The children have the opportunity to have a snack, do homework, play games inside and outside, and do interesting projects.
The early learning center is open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. every week day, except major holidays. Each child must be enrolled for a minimum of 5 hours per week. Enrollment is based on a first-come, first-served basis. Up to fifteen children may be enrolled in the school age program.
The students bring their lunches and have the option to warm certain items in the classroom microwave.
Individual insurance coverage is presently carried by Zion Lutheran Church. Should a family already have insurance coverage, that company would be the primary carrier. Our company, Church Mutual, will evaluate coverage for the unpaid balance.
Should a family have no coverage, then Church Mutual would become the primary carrier.
An informational note will be emailed to families each week.
Zion has a Facebook page which contains regular updates and pictures from events and activities throughout the year. You can find us at
Our Parent Teacher League has monthly meetings or activities. Participation of all Zion School families is strongly encouraged. We ask that each one parent household provide at least 10 volunteer hours and two parent households provide 20 volunteer hours.
Please fill out a new background check each school year. We will take the information listed and perform a background check. Results will be kept in a secure place. If you wish to view the results of your background check, stop by the school office and we can share it with you. Remember this is for the protection of our children. Background checks cover driving record, convictions, and the National Sex Offender Registry. Forms can be picked up in front of the school office and returned back to the office.